CEVA Center for Study and Valorization of Algae Logo

Join the SENSALG’ platform

We announced in April 2023 the launch of the new Sensalg platform dedicated to edible algae.

Today this platform is also available in English version :  https://sensalg.fr/en

The origins of Sensalg’ ?

The Sensalg’ platform finds its origin in 2 successive collaborative projects, initiated for the first one in 2015. Sensalg’ has grown with the actors over the years.  In particular, numerous stakeholders were integrated from the start of the consortium: seaweed farmers, companies, technical centres, representatives of seaweed professionals, etc.

This joint project resulting from the scientific and technical collaboration of the 5 Breton technical centers of ACT food Bretagne has been built and shaped to measure for you!


Why subscribe to Sensalg’ ?

From upstream to downstream, from the idea to the project and from the project to the final product, you will find on this platform every piece of information you need:  scientific and regulatory references, technical and scientific articles, news, recipes and practical workshops, products, addresses of restaurants, webinars, videos on edible seaweed!

Interested in developing seaweed products? Looking for recipe inspiration? Which species for which tastes and which recipes? Which species and which volumes in France? Where do I get supplies? Is there an organic label for seaweed? Do you want to highlight your already developed products? Which restaurants have seaweed on their menu? Do you want to get trained or learn how to cook seaweed? …

So many questions and many more to which the Sensalg’ platform answers.

The site brings together all this information and aims to be collaborative. You can contribute to the richness of the site for free or become a subscriber.


👉 Come and Join the Sensalg Community !